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Royalton Recorder

Upcoming Events

Date Event
February 19 Chamber of Commerce Networking Luncheon

Ruma's Restaurant, 12841 State Road in North Royalton

Chamber of Commerce Networking Luncheon is an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow business members. It will be held on Wednesday, February 19, at 11:45 a.m. at Ruma’s Restaurant. Lunch will be served at noon. Please bring your business cards and any promotional materials you would like to share. Each member will be given the opportunity to introduce themselves and share a little bit about their business. Please RSVP to 440-237-6180 or email info@nroyaltonchamber.com. Cost of the luncheon for Chamber members is $20; cost for non members is $25. Deadline to reply is Monday, February 17 by noon.